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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

After The Banking Crisis...
"After the banking crisis and the bailouts and all of the awful shit we experienced many new laws were put in place to try and keep this from happening again. Since then law after law has been repealed (some justly because they were a little over reactionary and worded poorly.) With this bill, which confounds me to no end because it makes no sense, it's almost as if we're bailing them out before they fail and then we'll bail them out again too. And the icing on the cake is they also are repealing every last law put in place after the banking crisis. The only people who will benefit will be the rich and when it fails the only people who will hurt will be the masses. It's not a question of if it's when the next bubble will burst and this law might make it the worst bubble ever. I'm honestly concerned." 

- Keith Louis Peter Karleen