"Do we really have any choices at all? Or, are all life's experiences determined before we check in? Are we programmed at birth with a set of genes and DNA set to provide only predetermined experiences, no matter what the environment?
The dictionary is of some help. The word "will" is defined as the intention, command, or request for something.
Okay, that's close. Intention is most important. Many people have been discouraged from even attempting something because of physical conditions that seem insurmountable, but if they maintain the intention to achieve something, most often they do.
The obstacles to an intention can often be the motivation to contradict it.
A personal planet like Mercury, Venus, Mars, Sun, and Moon in opposition to Saturn often describes persons anxious to challenge obstacles with the determination to succeed, especially when in stubborn fixed signs.
Commands may just be another variation of aggressive intention, or a visualization of outcome.
Many healings have been reported where a person repeatedly visualizes an illness gradually shrinking and vanishing. Doctors are amazed to confirm this phenomena mysteriously labeled spontaneous remission. The patient became well with no apparent, measurable intervention. But to the patient, their intention was the intervention that removed the illness.
Who, or
What, Is The Programmer?
But perhaps we're just quibbling about semantics here, having word games and not facing the fundamental issue. Because, what determines our intentions? Our commands and requests? Are they also programmed? Then who, or what, is the programmer? A Divine Force, God, Karma, Heaven?"