Danny Delegato’s 3rd Solo release of 2011 is titled “I Am Alive” and is Streaming right now. This record has 11 ‘ear pleasing’ brand new songs by the singer songwriter from The Hugs. Please listen and Pre-Order Now! Thank You,
Out 11/11/11 Digitally through i-tunes, amazon, CD BABY, BAND CAMP, ETC.
“Danny Delegato is 22 years of age. He is the founder, writer, lyricist, master plans for the steadily building rock act from Portland called The Hugs. He lives in SE Portland, Oregon USA. Currently Danny is writing and recording for The Hugs third studio album release expected for later this year. The singer and prolific song writer of the pacific North West has worked a lot this year with his new announced plans for his third solo album titled “I Am Alive” in November 2011. ”
“Danny Delegato will have recorded, mixed, written and finished and released three solo albums as of December 1st, 2011. The songs on all albums are a very private peak into the world of the prolific song writer of The Hugs. ”
“Delving into past relationships, growing up, party’s, new faces, love, loss, and much more. The songs range in styles and lyrically but the albums are all very cohesive in nature. Now all three are available on Band Camp for purchase. ”
“Please, check out “Doodles” and “Little Wanderer” Support the artist. Spread the word.”
“This record was recorded in Portland, Oregon USA and parts of North London. The collection of songs titled “I Am Alive” is a very personal collection of acoustic, dance, folk, and experimental songs written by Danny Delegato.”
Danny has picked up right where he left off from with last album “Little Wanderer”.
“This album finds a more philosphical, and whimsical side of Danny’s Songwriting nature. With more electronic sampling and dance beats then before, story telling lyrics, song-writing simplified. This is an album for the i-pod home stereo or road trip.”
“After hearing album opener “Hot Girls” you are right away thrown into an adventure of musical sound scape. It’s an album for the ages. Thought provoking lyrics and melodys carry the way. Reverb and wit. Love and break up. It’s an album for the ears and mind. And much, much more.”